2020 AP results: Florida’s math and science results during a COVID May look a lot like they do during other years.

What’s most striking about the results of AP testing in math and science subjects in Florida this past May is how much they look like the state’s results in any other year.

AP exam results were released earlier this week by the College Board.

There were some gentle downturns in the numbers of exam takers in several of the subjects, but in most cases the number of students passing the exams were constant.

The most obvious exception was Computer Science Principles, which has grown in Florida to almost 12,000 exam takers and 8,000 exam passers since it arrived in classrooms in 2017.

During most years, AP testing is conducted at testing centers and is a paper-and-pencil affair with multiple choice questions and “free response questions”. This year’s COVID-era testing was done online at home, with no multiple-choice questions and only free response questions. Nevertheless, the numbers of students taking and passing the exams were relatively stable.

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