Here are the Top 25 dual enrollment courses for Florida public high school students in the Spring of 2024! Are you sitting on the edge of your seat? Don’t bother.

Don’t keep yourself in suspense any longer. Look at the end of this post to see the list of the top 25 dual enrollment courses for Florida public school students for the spring 2024 semester. I’ll wait here….

[I’m whistling a tune while you’re reading the list 🎵]

And…you’re back. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Doesn’t this look a lot like last spring’s list?” If you are thinking that, you’re correct.

The most-enrolled spring dual enrollment course continues to be the second “Freshman English” course, ENC 1102 (called “Honors English II” on the list below – but the course number is the most important thing since the title changes from campus to campus). Just like last year, this course dual enrolls almost three times as many students as the second-ranked course.

College Algebra (MAC 1105) moved up to second place this spring from third on last spring’s list, while last year’s second place course, the second American History course (AMH 2020) moved down to third. But these two courses are very close in enrollment, so their flip-flop is not a surprise.

I’ll just add here that dual enrollment College Algebra is where engineering and science career dreams go to die. High school students who aspire to become engineers and scientists and who are considering dual enrolling in College Algebra should take the next course in their high school math sequence instead. Stick with your high school’s strong math teachers.

The “baby” statistics course is fourth this spring, just as it was last spring. And there are only minor changes in the rest of the list. In fact, every course that was in this ranking in the Spring of 2023 is also on the Spring 2024 list.

As always, there is not a single course in the spring top 25 that would help a student who intends to pursue a math-intensive STEM major advance toward college graduation. Instead, there are sub-calculus math courses, “student success” courses, public speaking courses, introductory social science courses (including sociology – clutch your pearls!), and even a bit of general education science.

Roll credits….The enrollment numbers come from the Florida Department of Education, which is the best in the nation at releasing this sort of information.

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